
Last modified by Thorgal Aegirsson on 2015/10/27 15:36

This space contains all informations about our clan Valhalla: (level 6 - ID : #L9CGQYC)

  • permanent war clan 24/7 for every green profile
  • forbidden to attack lower than 4 level downside your level during first 18 hours. Next try to have 3 stars when you fill holles.
  • respect troops requests (specialy for clan war)
    • "Anythings" is explicit but "good troopes" is not (archer 3 will be will be appreciate like a good troop for HDV 1 but not for HD9)
    • indicate "cw" in your request if it is the case.

  • Promote:
    • Elder as soon war clan starting to avoid quitting during preparation day.
    • Co-leader on trust and depending of your clan participation (troops donate, chat, war clan, etc.)
  • Kicking:
    • Elder if one attack missing during war clan (when profil is green). Co-Leaders in this case are retrograded to elder.
    • injuries and/or flaming on the chat
  • Update your profile to indicate if you want participate or not at next clan war
    (update your profil as soon the war preparation day started for the newt clan war because wc are launch as soon one is finished)

Share your exploits, tactics, efficient vivi, etc .: by creating pages below.

I created a YouTube channel for video: chaine but I must see how we can share our video together on it.

Don't forget this web site is made for you and by you!